Histology and Microscopy
Histology is the most recent field that the Group has taken on, although the methodology was established more than a decade ago in collaboration with the University of Turin.
In 2009, the Laemmegroup attained its first accreditation in histology.
The accredited method researches lesions on bovine target organs that may be traced to illegal treatment with anabolic steroids or growth enhancers. In addition to the histological reports, the Laemmegroup Laboratory provides microscopic images of the most pronounced lesions and offers consultancy from the time of drawing samples to interpreting the diagnostic results.
Recently, histology has been applied to the analysis of meat-based products and preparations to provide a microscopic assessment of any mutations to the muscle-fibre structure in the meat.
Filth Test
The filth test enables singling out and identifying any solid impurities present in food and provides important indications on the wholesomeness and hygienic conditions of the food in relation to the stages of processing and conservation. Solid impurities are constituted by all the solid particles that are foreign to the normal composition of the food and that cannot be discerned by the naked eye due to their microscopic size.
The filth test enables clearly identifying these and distinguishing them by type of origin:
- Animal (insects and mites or their fragments, insect or mite eggs, fur, barbs of bird feathers, faeces,etc.)
- Vegetable (seeds, extraneous vegetables, wood fragments, textile fibres, etc.)
- Mineral (grains of sand, crystals, etc.)
- Synthetic (fibres, plastic fragments, etc.)
Research of animal origin constituents in animal feed
Annex IV of Regulation 999/2001 regulates administration of traditional agrifood products to the different animal species and this was modified by Regulation (EU) 56/2013, which authorises the use of traditional agrifood products originating from non-ruminant animals (pigs and poultry) in fish food. Research on animal origin constituents in animal feed is conducted by the Laemmegroup Laboratory according to the provisions of Regulation (EU) 51/2013.
The qualitative method is based on recognising animal origin constituents that can be identified with a microscope, such as muscular fibres or other particles from:
- Meat
- Cartilage
- Bone
- Horn
- Fur
- Bristles
- Blood
- Feathers
- Egg shells
- Fish bone
- Scales
Research on foreign bodies and/or parasites
The Laemmegroup Laboratory conducts research and identifies foreign bodies and/or parasites found in foodstuffs. The report is accompanied by macroscopic and microscopic images.